So I have decided to do a year without alcohol. A year sounds SO LONG, I know it isn't that long, but to keep me motivated I decided to set myself small targets. So I recently purchased a charm bracelet and every time I pass a 50 day marker my husband is going to buy me a charm for the bracelet.
I was recently wandering what is happening with my body since I gave up alcohol, so I did a bit of research and I was shocked at the damage alcohol inflicts on the body. It is probably something I should have looked up ages ago, but never did manage to do it. I have been sober for 115 days now and it's amazing to read up on all the things that are changing. One huge thing for me is sleep. I never used to sleep well and always felt that I needed alcohol to help me fall asleep. It's true alcohol makes you fall asleep quicker, but your overall quality of sleep is very bad. The medication I am on helps to relax me at night and fall asleep, and I often fall asleep downstairs trying to stay awake to watch the latest show :-) But my overall sleep has improved so much - I don't wake up in the morning feeling restless and groggy, and by 5 in the afternoon, I am tired but it's a different kind of tired. It is a revelation!!!!!!
There are lots of good things happening that you can't notice too, organs and cells are regenerating and your body is generally recovering from years of abuse, it's shocking how bad alcohol actually is for your body.
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